Posts in: 2023s

🍿 Movie log: Horror of Dracula - ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

I rewatched Horror of Dracula I didn’t like Horror of Dracula when I first watched it 20ish years ago. It took me 20 years to realize how wrong I was about this film. Like other great horror novel adaptations, Horror of Dracula leaves the core essence of the source material intact while trimmed down everything the audience doesn’t need to see on the screen. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ out of 5 stars.

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Finished reading: The Creative Act by Rick Rubin 📚

The Creative Act: A Way of Being has help me recognize the creative energy inside myself. And it’s reminded me how easy it is to tap into it again.

I’ll always be grateful to Rick Rubin for this book.

Movie Log - Showdown at the Grand 🎥

A proud movie theater owner must defend his family business from corporate developers alongside a legendary action star as art imitates life in a showdown for the ages. I enjoyed watching Showdown at the Grand, but I can’t recommend it. The part of it that celebrates cinema and its community resonated with me really hard. The part of it that is a surreal action comedy didn’t; even though surreal action comedies are my type of thing.

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table top rpgs I want to play in 2024 🎲

It’s that time of the year when many of us start thinking about the table top role playing games we’d like to play in the coming year. In past years I’ve made voluminous lists with all dozens and dozens of games I'd love to play. I’m doing something different this year. I'll focus on a short list with the games I think I can bring to the table (in person or virtually).

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I’m surprised that native SMS messaging apps (like iMessage) haven’t incorporated statuses, channels, and stories yet. For better or worse, they seem like the next evolutionary step for messaging. Or at least they seem like popular features at the moment.


Today I learned…

that you can build rss feeds from subreddits. 🤔

I mean, I don’t really use reddit, but I think it’s a cool feature.

i installed Emacs for the first time.

a screenshot of main doom emacs buffer.

Play running from evil from Doom II: Hell on Earth…